Tina Godinger, LCSW

​Couples/Individual Therapist

Certified Bringing Baby Home Educator

41 Union Square West

Suite 820

NY, NY 10003


Type your paragraph here.

What if I am not sure what I want?


It is common to get overwhelmed by the options.  Give me a call.  In a brief 10-15 minute conversation, we will figure out an initial plan that works for you and/or your family.  If we decide that I am not a good fit, I assist in finding you referral.  You don't have to do this alone.

Do you take insurance?

I am an out-of-network provider and will provide you all necessary documentation for out-of -network reimbursement from your insurance company.  Contact your insurance's customer service by calling the number on the back of your card and ask them about coverage.  

If you feel you must use an in-network provider, I encourage you to call and I will help make a connection.

I do accept credit cards and will work with you around payment options if there is a financial hardship. ​​

​What are your specialities? What makes you different?

My treatment specialities include:

  • Relationship Issues​
  • Postpartum Stress/Anxiety
  • Adjusting to Life Transitions
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Parenting Stress
  • ​Pre-Marital Counseling
  • Pre-Baby Counseling

​It is my belief that treatment works because of a good fit between client and therapist.  There are many experienced therapists in New York City.  What may make me different is my humility.  Even with all my training, I acknowledge that I have challenges in my own relationships.  We are human.  We learn and are inspired by each other.   I expect to learn from you and your story as much as I expect to inspire and help you.